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Sunday, 30 May 2010

MEPs spend nearly �5 million on foreign fact finding missions - Telegraph

MEPs spend nearly �5 million on foreign fact finding missions - Telegraph: "The best travelled MEP from the UK was Glenys Kinnock, who racked up 143,033 airmiles between 2004 and 2009 on trips which cost almost �60,000"

Glenys Kinnock. Quelle Surprise.

A familly of benefits scroungers who've become multi millionaires whilst working for the public sector.

What a bunch of blaggers

Lord Blagger

Friday, 28 May 2010

Lord of the Pies - Confirmed

Prescott gets a peerage.

Good thing too. The existing stewards in the Lords are getting very tardy at delivering the drinks. All we need to do is dress the Lord of the Pies up in a monkey suit, give him a tray and set him to work.

Lord Blagger

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Pension at age 66 for four million workers - Telegraph

Pension at age 66 for four million workers - Telegraph: "From 2012, the basic state pension will increase in line with earnings instead of inflation. Since earnings are usually higher, economists estimate it will cost the taxpayer an extra �2 billion a year.

To meet the cost, the state pension age will rise more quickly than had been planned. Under current arrangements, it is due to rise to 66 between 2024 and 2026.

But the Queen’s Speech confirmed that the coalition would review that timetable and could bring it forward"

Notice the rip off. For every year the pension age is raised, it steals 5,000 pounds from every pensioner to be.

The link with inflation and wages is also a rip off. The result of it breaking was to mean that you paid more and more for relatively less and less.

Shows what happens when you run a Ponzi scheme.

Lord Blagger

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Duchess of Pork

This shows the problem. As soon as the non professionals get involved in a bit of corruption it goes wrong. MPs, most Lords are basically amateurs trying to do a proffesional job. All it takes is someone to dress up as a sheik, a tart or a rent boy and get it filmed, and they soon make a right royal mess all over the carpet.

You would have thought they had learned their lesson from the taxi drivers for rent, funny sheiks, dolly birds, ... but oh no, the lure of filth lucre now that the government tap is being turned off is too much

That and having to put up with the proposed Lord of the Pies, Mr Leg over himself, is seriously downgrading the House of Lords as a club. Mind you, we could aways get him to put his waiters outfit on and start serving some drinks

Lord Blagger

Duchess of York 'devastated' by tabloid sting - Times Online

Duchess of York 'devastated' by tabloid sting - Times Online: "The Duchess of York is “devastated” and “regretful” after she was filmed in a tabloid newspaper sting apparently offering to sell access to her ex-husband Prince Andrew for �500,000, her spokeswoman said today.

The Duchess, currently en route to Los Angeles, told a reporter posing as an Indian businessman that the payment would “open doors” and was filmed sitting in front of a table with a large amount of cash laid out on it."

Should have come to Lord Blagger for some consultancy.
After all, what is 20% of 500,000, compared with what she will make now, which is a whole lot of niothing.

Lord Blagger

Saturday, 22 May 2010

The price of Booze

Lord Blaggers first success with lobbying the new regime is off and running.

He's got the government to put a minimum price on booze, which is money going straight to his clients bottom line.

Alcoholics and binge drinkers aren't going to change.

Lord Blagger

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Labour MP Eric Illsley charged over expenses | Politics |

Labour MP Eric Illsley charged over expenses | Politics | "Eric Illsley, the Labour MP for Barnsley Central, has become the latest member of parliament to be charged over his expenses claims, it emerged today.

Illsley is accused of three counts of false accounting and will appear at City of Westminster magistrates' court on 17 June.

It is alleged that he falsely claimed more than �20,000 over three years for expenses on his second home in London."

More to come. It's for such paltry amounts it does blaggers everywhere a diservice.

If you are going to blag, blag large.

More like Lord Taylor of Warwick for example

Lord Blagger

Thursday, 13 May 2010

The great get away - Crossrail

Still to go ahead. Yipee!

Think about it. It's just like the Olympics.

Put in the 16 billion quote. Now when any change comes in we escalate the cost. The Olympics have gone from 2.5 billion to over 12 billion. Think how the 16 billion will escalate. Get your noses in the trough.

Lord Blagger will also benefit when it goes to his country pad. After all, a quick get away from the Lords on a Friday after signing in and getting the expenses is what one has to do.

Then look at the costs. 16 billion is going to cost 3 million a day. With a maximum of 200K passengers a day, its 15 quid plus running costs for a ticket. The plebs who use it won't pay it, so it means cuts elsewhere. Lord Blagger will expense the ticket anyway so he's immune.

Pity those who don't use Crossrail. They will get the cuts in services, the tax rises, the ticket hikes, and the delapidated trains and stations to pay for Lord Blaggers getaway.

If they do hike the prices, all it means is more space, and a better class of passenger.

Mugs, all of them

Cameron and Clegg

The new Ant and Dec.

'Nuff said

Lord Blagger

Cameron and Clegg

The new Ant and Dec.

'Nuff said

Lord Blagger

Tuesday, 11 May 2010


Lord Blagger has been taking a trip. Westminister is two chaotic to make any money at the moment. There's an over supply of Lembit Opik's that they are even paying the press to appear on TV. Something to do with losing their jobs. No one is even taking money on him appearing on, "I'm a minor celeb, get me out of here".

On the trip, Leeds was interesting. Lots of nice apartments around the Armouries, good restaurants at a fraction of the cost in London. Plus there are signs of people working. That's more than can be said for the Wirral, which is truly awful.

Lord Blagger

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Farage Plane Crash - Investigation

Breaking News: Accident investigators have identified the cause of Nigel Farage's plane crash as resulting from a problem with construction - too right wings.

Spot the Pattern

A history of politics in the UK in recent years;

1979: The Conservatives win, on the ticket that Labour has completely fucked up the country (which they had).

1997: Labour wins, on the ticket that the Conservatives have completely fucked up the country (which they had).

2010: The Conservatives look set to win, on the ticket that Labour have completely fucked up the country (which they have).

Am I alone in seeing a wee bit of a pattern emerging here?

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Macmillan admits to bribery over World Bank Sudan aid deal - Telegraph

Macmillan admits to bribery over World Bank Sudan aid deal - Telegraph: "Macmillan, the British publisher behind Hilary Mantel's Man Booker prizewinner, Wolf Hall, has admitted it made 'corrupt payments' in an attempt to win a World Bank aid contract in Africa."

They are all at it

Why not get a piece for yourself?

Lord Blagger

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Council's �70,000 playground is 'a pile of concrete blocks' - Telegraph

Council's �70,000 playground is 'a pile of concrete blocks' - Telegraph: "Childen who were expecting a new �70,000 playground complete with swings and slides have been left 'devastated' after the council gave them a pile of concrete blocks instead."

You're paying for it

Monday, 3 May 2010

Archive (Ghostsigns)

Archive (Ghostsigns)

A ghost sign is an old painted advertising mural on a wall.

Off topic, but this is an interesting idea where people can help. Lots of people makes this sort of project easy. The use of things like iPhones with built in GPS means it should be straightforward to build an app to take photographs and post to the web.

John Higgins was framed

John Higgins: Snooker champion in 'match-fixing row' | Mail Online: "The three-times world champion was filmed shaking hands on a �260,000 deal in which he appeared to agree to deliberately lose frames for an illegal gambling syndicate."

See what happens when the little men get involved in corruption. It all goes wrong.

What to get involved in a little bit of graft? Get in contact with Lord Blagger for some consultantcy to protect yourself. Discount rates available for repeat business

Lord Blagger

'Hypocrite' Harman and her family's inheritance tax dodge | Mail Online

'Hypocrite' Harman and her family's inheritance tax dodge | Mail Online: "The Labour deputy leader was revealed to be one of the beneficiaries of a trust set up in her father's will designed to reduce the amount of tax she would eventually pay on his estate."

Quite right. She's in on the game. She's seen how Labour spends the cash. She knows if she pays the money as tax it will go into her reprehensible colleagues pockets. Better to keep it in the familly

Lord Blagger

Top 10 Corrupt Countries - Listverse

Top 10 Corrupt Countries - Listverse: "Top 10 Corrupt Countries"

Coming soon to the UK unless parliament gets its act together and bans the press from reporting.

Lord Blagger

Sunday, 2 May 2010

'Modern day Robin Hood' stole from dead patients to give to poor - Telegraph

'Modern day Robin Hood' stole from dead patients to give to poor - Telegraph: "An NHS worker who believed she was a 'modern day Robin Hood' stole more than �750,000 from the estates of dead patients."

Jailed for five years for obtaining money by signing a document.

Notice the simularity with MPs signing an expenses document and getting the cash.

Note to all blaggers and those thinking about a career as a blagger, then becoming an MP or a Lord (email for details about what it will cost), then you gain a lot of immunity.

For example, 3 MPs have been prosecuted, but over half have been on the Blag.

The risks of being prosecuted are far higher for bank robbers, so it make sense to join one of the two clubs where you get paid to be a member.

Lord Blagger

Alex Salmond: Blagger of the Day

Alex Salmond: I need �65,000 MP pay-off to give Scotland 'freedom' - Telegraph: "Alex Salmond has suggested he needs a �65,000 pay-off after stepping down as an MP to continue his political career and give Scotland “freedom”."

Nice move. Get the payoff, and still carry on working for the same organisation, creaming it at the taxpayer's expense.

Lord Blagger